
A site to reflect and discuss views on workplace learning, it's value within a training system and it's relationship to the Australian IR system.


Thursday, May 03, 2007

`Blended learning', a great catch phrase. What is it and how many examples of it are around? Could traditional learning ever have involved `blended' techniques? (Just think about Art classes, maths using cusinaire rods, visits to the zoo etc). What do we need to do for adult learners to utilise the rich environment of blended learning? So many people say to me - "Oh I tried one of those on-line courses, but I didn't finish it." When I ask "Why didn't you finish it?" I usually get responses ranging from having "lost interest", or "lacked motivation" or "it was too hard". Is the role of social learning overlooked when constructing on-line blended learning programs based on remote participation? (yes!) I know there has been research on these questions, (go to and type `social learning' into the search engine).
Perhaps the blended learning model needs to be a model of Think Global, Act Local!

On an similar note - but with reference to the tools of blended learning, have a look at The project titled Sophie is fascinating.

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